Sunday, 29 October 2017

Why Do We Train?

A brief post this one, really a question that I sometimes ask myself - usually in the middle of a hard session or when I'm trying to motivate myself for a workout I really don't fancy.

For most of us there's no one simple answer, and the reasons can be as varied as anything else in life: It may be to improve performance, or hit a race target; it could be to lose weight, or perhaps even gain weight; we may want to increase self-esteem or gain confidence; maybe out of guilt, but maybe out of satisfaction; possibly to battle depression, possibly to make new friends; sometimes it's for fresh air, and sometimes it's to sweat out frustration... And on, and on, and on.

For me the main thing is probably the social aspect of training - some of the best quality time I have with friends is out on the bike or on a lovely cross country run - but there are also several other things from those I've suggested above that are hugely important factors too.

What I definitely know for sure though, it doesn't matter how little I fancy a training session, how tired I am, how rubbish I feel, I'm always glad I've done it afterwards!

Why do you work out and train? I don't think it really matters, so long as you can take something positive from it and help improve your quality of life.

If there are other reasons that you involve yourself in sport and activity, feel free to comment.